Saturday, May 06, 2006

Ps Lawrence and Chomel

Ps Lawrence and Chomel are gonna have their 1st child soon!! Praise the Lord!

Chomel is now 5 months pregnant.

Happy for them.

I remember some time back Ps Lawrence was doing the Holy Communion then he said that he and his wife wanted to have a child, but it was not to be.

Last night during the Bible Study (BS), Ps Lawrence was preaching and he shared about this topic.

He said that they waited for 4 years to have a child, and through it there were miscarriages.

When the couple went through the first miscarriage, Ps thought that it was something that they didn't do. So he meditated on God's Word, like sleep 1 hour then get up meditate then sleep 1 hour then get up and meditate again. One can really see the heart of Ps, that he was so sincere, but that wasn't the way things went.

This pregnancy happened naturally for them.

When one don't worry about things, one gives God the free hand to do His thing.

Singapore International Film Fest a.k.a. SIFF

For this year's Singapore International Film Fest (SIFF), I bought tickets to watch 2 Japanese animes.

The first one is called Nitaboh. It's about a blind boy whose interest and passion in music led him to leave his mark on Japan's history.

The other one that I watched was this thing called The Book of the Dead.

Wah, this one ah... At first when the film started, there was the following:
1. extreme wide shot of the city.
2. water dripping
3. side view of a figure in white followed by a creepy voice talking

I was like... Oh my GOODNESS!!!!! Am I in the WRONG theatre!!!! Some more I'm watching this by myself leh!!! Arrgghhh!!!

Then I see this title "The Book of the Dead".


So I'm in the RIGHT theatre.


By the end of the movie, by the way, it's a puppet animation, so lagi more scary, I walked out of the theatre puzzled...

Can someone tell me what in GOD'S GREEN EARTH is the movie talking about???

Then I heard someone say:
eh... what is the movie about ah... don't understnad leh... chim you know...

Hahahaa.... so it's the movie makers who are chim lah...

Sigh... The next SIFF, I'll make sure I read the synopsis carefully... you know scrutinise every single letter, right down to the type of paper and the ink they use as well.

Finally!!! A Sound From Me

Hallo... it's me...

Yes, finally a sound from me...

No worries, I'm alive ok :p

I tell you... eyes, get ready!!! I'm going into overdrive!!!