Saturday, May 06, 2006

Singapore International Film Fest a.k.a. SIFF

For this year's Singapore International Film Fest (SIFF), I bought tickets to watch 2 Japanese animes.

The first one is called Nitaboh. It's about a blind boy whose interest and passion in music led him to leave his mark on Japan's history.

The other one that I watched was this thing called The Book of the Dead.

Wah, this one ah... At first when the film started, there was the following:
1. extreme wide shot of the city.
2. water dripping
3. side view of a figure in white followed by a creepy voice talking

I was like... Oh my GOODNESS!!!!! Am I in the WRONG theatre!!!! Some more I'm watching this by myself leh!!! Arrgghhh!!!

Then I see this title "The Book of the Dead".


So I'm in the RIGHT theatre.


By the end of the movie, by the way, it's a puppet animation, so lagi more scary, I walked out of the theatre puzzled...

Can someone tell me what in GOD'S GREEN EARTH is the movie talking about???

Then I heard someone say:
eh... what is the movie about ah... don't understnad leh... chim you know...

Hahahaa.... so it's the movie makers who are chim lah...

Sigh... The next SIFF, I'll make sure I read the synopsis carefully... you know scrutinise every single letter, right down to the type of paper and the ink they use as well.


Blogger 专属天使の悪戯なKiss said...

hee hee... luckily u didn;t ask me to go with u... cos i would have started screaming in my seat... n it would have been embarassing...

but anywayz if u HAD asked me... i wouldn't have agreed to e title... ha ha... i'm a scaredy cat... admit it...

11:52 am  

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