Tour of City of Auch
Coming up next on our guided tour is the one and only City of Auch!
But first of all, you must meet our special guests of this fabulous city!

Starting from the left, he's the only one who can be hot and cool and yet electrifying all at the same time! Yes, he's the Elementalist, Chiffon Cakess.
Next in the centre, is the studious looking Fighter, BlackForest Cakess, who evidently need a change of his ahem, thinking cap.
Now on the right is the fabulous looking and absolutely yummilicious Scout, Tiramisu Cakess.
Don't you wish you've got them in the palm of your hand? I totally wish I doooo!!!!
*Pssst, get on with the guided tour!!! Stop rattling off on the boysssss*
Ooh, what's tat? Oh yes, I do apologise for the lack of decorum on my parts.
Well yes, on with the program.
City of Auch, the only place where you have access to... ...
*That's all the time we've got on Tour of Sans Souci, Places where You'll Forget ALL Your Sorrows" Stay tuned for our next episode where you'll wish you were right here with us*
Hey? The program is over? I've not even started on introducing Auch yet! Hey you!